Frequently Asked Questions
See below for our answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.

What if I’m not an experienced storyteller? Can I still take the class?
No need to worry. We've designed our Story Sessions to work for people at all levels, even those who have never written a story before.
I’m just an average person who doesn’t have any stories to tell, but I’ve been told I should take a session, or someone gifted it to me. What should I do?
From the beginning of the first class, we will help you understand that everyone has stories worth telling, even you. Maybe your stories aren't super dramatic, but sometimes the quietest stories are the most profound. With our help, you'll learn how to identify the stories in your life that could make a good book or video, and we'll teach you how to tell them.
Do I need to commit to multiple sessions?
No. At this moment, we are just asking for people to take our survey to gauge interest and determine how we can best serve future customers. If you sign up for one session, there is no obligation to sign up for any more.
I heard something about a gift book or documentary?
Eventually, we hope to offer session participants the option to turn their stories either into a gift book or a mini-documentary. For the time being, we are focused on optimizing the sessions before we offer anything else.
Is there an age restriction?
We welcome adults of all ages.
There are a lot of products and services out there offering what you do. What makes Costello Story Sessions different?
Most often, we get asked about a popular subscription service that already exists. That service sends writing prompts and then turns your answers to those prompts into a beautiful bound book. But we found that many people who were customers of that service didn't actually use it. Some were tripped up by writer's block, some faced intimidation, some needed accountability, some needed a guide, and some needed an editor. These are all services that we offer, and they set us apart. With us, you work directly with a professional writer who guides you through all the roadblocks that tend to keep people from finishing their stories.
Another similar offering might be a writer's workshop. As professional writers, we've taken these workshops, which have excellent curriculum and instruction, all aimed at turning us into published writers. Those classes tend to have a lot of outside homework, in addition to working on your own writing. Our goal is not to turn participants into expert writers — it is to help our participants find stories from within and communicate those stories to their loved ones in a compelling way. (Though, we happily welcome experienced writers to our sessions. Everyone needs motivation from time to time.) Our classes have no homework, though we encourage participants to work on their stories outside of class. We will offer optional resources for those who want more.
If you have additional questions, we invite you to send them to